A good diet, but don't forget the sleep.......Now don’t get me wrong. I’m a firm believer that feeding our kids a healthy, balanced, varied diet is essential to their well-being. I might even go so far as to say that it’s the single most important factor when it comes to our children’s health. But sleep is, if not equally as important and as a paediatric sleep consultant I...
Is your baby having trouble staying asleep? Does she wake up every time you so much as walk past her door? Does she go from fast asleep to wide awake the second you put her into her crib? Are you sick of people telling you she's probably hungry? This is one of the most common complaints I get from parents. They say that their babies are just so easy to wake, and when they ...
One of the nicest nap transitions I experienced with my child was when we decided to consolidate her two short daytime naps into one big one, right in the middle of the day. I can’t deny it, I loved the time off in the middle of the day. She went from sleeping an hour and a half in the morning, and a little less than that in the afternoon, to sleeping a solid three hours a day, ...
When can I stop the night feeds? I get asked this question a lot, and I have two answers for you. First of all, the clinical one. If your child’s six months or older, gaining weight as expected, and your doctor says you’re okay to end nighttime feeds, then go ahead and give it a shot. But that doesn’t really answer your question, does it? Because that information is readily...
Tips for easing separation anxiety-Raising kids is a high-stakes responsibility, and in this age of social media and easy access to information about anything and everything, parents are easily overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and inadequacy. As a sleep consultant, I see this all the time from parents whose babies aren’t sleeping well. One of the other major contributors to th...
So teething and sleep.......Back in 1871, the Chicago Tribune reported that the cause of the great Chicago Fire was a cow, Catherine O’Leary’s cow to be precise, kicking over a lantern in the barn while it was being milked.Unfortunately, the Tribune admitted later on that it had completely fabricated the story, but that didn’t stop people from blaming Catherine and her cow fr...
Email me at kate@simplesleep.co.uk to see how I can help you and your child.
I provide paediatric (newborn, baby, toddler, child) sleep consultancy in London, Geneva and surrounding areas. Read more in FAQs.